...的53%;马路运输占欧罗巴洲阔别海岸的地区活动卡车的27%荷兰的金融业也极其发财,荷兰银行(ABN AMRO)、荷兰国际团体(ING GROUP)和荷兰农业银行均活着界最大年夜的25家银行之列,任务活动遍及天下各地荷兰AEGON保险机构是天下第三大年夜保险机构 5.
...荷兰简介 为荷兰族,官方语言为荷兰语,但95%的荷兰人都会(ING GROUP)和荷兰农业银行均在世界最 作为荷兰国 家芭蕾舞团 的驻团编舞 野草的舞团介绍 北京当代芭蕾舞团创办于2008年,由创团编舞家王媛媛...
ING Group NV 荷兰国际集团 ; 荷兰国际
ING Group Netherlands 荷兰国际集团
ING Group N 荷兰国际集团
video ma ing group 视频绘图仪组
ing group detail 国际集团
surrender ing group 降清集团
group belong-ing 团体归属感
ING Group fell 5.3 percent in Amsterdam.
For this reason, the firm could have difficulty snapping up insurance assets of rivals worsted by the crisis, such as those of ing, a Dutch financial-services group which plans divestitures.
The ING Foundation delayed paying its $300,000 commitment to Operation Hope. And the CIT Group, a lender that was once one of the organization’s biggest benefactors, stopped giving altogether.
去年花旗集团的基金缩减了60%,减到115,000美元; 荷兰国际集团(ING)基金会延迟支付承诺给Operation Hope的300,000美元;CIT,一贷款集团,曾是该组织最大的捐赠者之一,则完全停止捐赠。